Local Matters

Keep up to date with everything I'm doing on the island, and for the island.


Local Jobs for Local People

The UK Government was elected on a manifesto to take us out of the EU and level up the UK.  Levelling up means making sure that areas of the UK that have been underfunded in recent years – like Ynys Môn – get inward investment so that our young people have the same opportunities as more prosper

Ensure Ynys Môn is front and centre of government policy

For years Ynys Môn has been poorly represented in Westminster by our MPs.  Our island needs someone fighting its corner and making sure that the people in power know and understand our local issues and assets.  My fights for Wylfa and a Freeport are well documented but I have also been wor


Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Ynys Mon is a front runner in it’s commitment to be plastic free from individuals, eco or refill businesses to entir

Virginia Crosbie yn lansio ymgyrch am fwy o ddiffibrilwyr ar Ynys Môn

Mae Virginia Crosbie, AS Ynys Môn yn dosbarthu taflen yn nodi sut gall trigolion gefnogi ymgyrch i gael mwy o ddiffibriliwyr ar Ynys Môn. Canfu arolwg diweddar gan Virginia yr hoffai pobl leol gael mwy o’r offer hwn, sy’n achub bywydau, ar yr ynys ond mae’r ddarpariaeth yn fylchog. Nid oes map can